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Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:25 am
by Angie
I feel like I am playing "This Is Your Life!" as I add to each of the forum topics......who am I?
I feel like I was a wallflower. I hung out with Robin, Susan, Andrea, Joelle. Robin, Andrea and I carpooled to school....Andrea was always late! I never skipped school and I drove a red VW Rabbit convertible. I was scared to death of Mrs. Mitchell (bless her heart) and hid from her like everyone else...that class was such torture! During one Open House night my mom asked her how I was doing in Algebra and Mrs. Mitchell responded, "Well, she is very nice to look at."
Mrs. Elzy sent Pam Templett and I to the office for "laughing uncontrollably" once....that is what she wrote on the yellow slip that we had to bring to Mr. Moore. We could not stop laughing in class I have to, rumor had it if you have to see Mr. Moore just derail him with fishing, we did and he told us all about fishing and said "don't worry about Mrs. Elzy"....and sent us on our way.
I was not involved in anything....what a goober! I only joined Beta Club because my friends forced me...I was happy being a B student. I never was a cheerleader or on the dance team or on any sports team, but I was a Track Manager and enjoyed that....probably because I got to hang out with all the boys at the Field House. I was on the Yearbook staff and loved that. Being there is where my love for photography blossomed. I know that I look back and wonder what happened to my friendships with certain people who were my best friends in Jr. High?
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:53 pm
by Tiffany
Angie, it's nice to talk to you again! We didn't really hang out but I always thought you were very sweet. You may not even remember me. lol What are you up to these days?
Hello Angie
Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:04 pm
by Pam
Hey girl! How are you? I am doing well. I remember you as being smart, friendly, down to earth, and fun! You were always one of my favorite classmates though we didn't really "hang out". I always felt you could get along with anyone and feel comfortable in any setting.I never saw you mad or upset.Always in control and sure of yourself.
I saw Todd Brown a few years ago and he said you had gotten married to a military guy and were very happy. Do you have any children?
After graduation, i started working at a doctors office in Baton Rouge.After 4 years of that I realized I was never going to make a good living without a skill.So,I joined the Army National Guard and became a nurse (LPN). After getting married to a young man from Massachusetts( I met him when I was 25 and going back to college for my RN ) I became pregnant and opted out of the Army . I was a Sergeant when I got out. I miscarried, but then one year later had a beautiful baby boy. He turns 9 this June. Then 5 years ago we had a little girl. I think we are through but you never know! A few years ago I joined the Naval Reserve, trying to do my part after 9-11. When Katrina hit, the Catholic school my husband taught at was wiped out( SLidell). So we moved to Daytona Beach, Fl. (God I hope my stalker isn't reading this!).My husband is teaching here and working on his PHD so he can teach college. I work at the local hospital. We love it here. I can go to the beach anytime, just a 10 min drive! It's awesome!
Well, I guess that's the run down.What have you been doing?
I would love to catch up! Are you coming to the reunion?
Pam Templet Fuller
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:43 am
by Angie
Hey Pam! Have thought about you often since we graduated....everytime I tell that joke about the 2 strings that go into a know the one....I have posted alot about myself on this Forum already so I wont repeat it all and bore anyone with it again here, but we are doing England for another year and who knows what is next for some pics of you and your family when you get a chance. I have some on here already....somewhere on here....I am starting to get overwhelmed with all these new msgs to read because I dont want to miss anything! Alot of people posted msgs over the past week and I have been in Ireland for the last 7 a cottage in the country with no phone or internet....watching the news today made me feel like I was in a time mean I missed the big Brangelina birth in Africa!??? Keep in touch, Pam! Miss you! Hope to see you at the reunion.
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:21 pm
by phil
Angie wrote: I have been in Ireland for the last 7 a cottage in the country with no phone or internet....
Ahhh! That's like my worst nightmare! No phone or internet that is, not being in Ireland.
My sister just got back from a week in Ireland.
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:10 am
by Angie
Yeah, phone or internet was actually easy, but I guess being in Ireland (and not at home) made the difference.....I have to admit....we did find a little internet cafe in Dingle, Ireland ONCE during the week. Where was your sister in Ireland? We were in Kerry. Guinness really does taste better in Ireland.
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:47 am
by phil
My sister did a tour of the southern half of Ireland. My family comes from Cork originally.
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:31 am
by jnichel
I miss that side of the pond. I got a small taste of it between our Junior and Senior year when we went over to Europe with Mr. Cox, and it was one of my main reasons for switching from the National Guard to active Navy. I was lucky enough to get a ship (for my first ship) that spent most of it's time out to sea, and in the Med. Actually spent so much time over there, I ended up getting married to a woman from Dundee, Scotland (Holy Loch, Scotland was a major stop for us).
Have to agree with you about the guinness Angie
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:58 am
by illenbergerj
Angie, I agree 100% about Guinness. Tastes so much better in country. Tim and I zipped up there last Thanksgiving and ran around Dublin and Belfast for the long weekend. Tim has a good friend who lives up there and we have good intentions to go back, but we usually head to Italy when we have a free day. (it's a shame considering ryanair is only $20)
No, the rest of Germany isn't like Garmisch, it is certainly a world of it's own. I've been there many times over the years. I was stationed down at Ramstein for three years and lived in two different towns while I was there, both were great towns with very friendly locals. That is the largest Air Force base in Germany and the Head Quarters for European Command. (and getting bigger all the time) It's about 45 min south of here, depending on how fast you drive of course.
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:18 am
by Angie
Jan - Dan works closely with EUCOM and I am sure getting an assignment to EUCOM would be easy, but would probably include a deployment or 2...our other option is Belgium...I would be happy with either one.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:27 pm
by teri
Hi, Angie! Your posts have been so entertaining! You have a *lovely* family! And what adventures you have had! Honestly, I'm trying to respond to folks here and there on the message board as quickly as I can. (Hope I'm not forgetting anyone!)
I have shared your international travels with my husband. We have co-workers and friends who are from all over the place, but the farthest we've traveled so far is Toronto (don't laugh). And that was when we lived in Rochester, NY. What has been your favorite place to visit and/or live?
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:22 am
by Angie
Teri - dont be embarrassed that the farthest you have traveled is Toronto....I had never been out of the country before I came here....there are so many favorite places....each place had so much to offer as far as culture and adventure. My heart is in Hawaii with the teens I worked with there. Tampa was always going to be our future permanent home, but now we are thinking CO Springs. We had a fantastic year of friends and family time in KS. It seems everywhere we go is our favorite when we leave, but then a new adventure comes along.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:29 pm
by teri
I'm with you on Colorado! Used to live there (Denver, Estes Park); attended school there, following graduation. I miss it incredibly!!
My Mom and Dad are in Denver, which is great! It gives us a perfect excuse to do some snowboarding (ok-"riding") once a year, too! I remember visiting the Air Force Academy, when I was little. Even at that age, it left quite an impression on me. We used to do quite a bit of camping in the Rockies, as well. I could go on forever... My Mom said that the aspen have turned, and I think their first snow was last night.
Hi Angie!
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:46 pm
by Sheila Hueschen Rawls
Hi Angie,
Love all the pics of your family! Just beautiful! By the way, I never thought of you as a wallflower. Always nice with a smile is what comes to my mind. Oh...and with a football jersey on. Or maybe that was your track manager shirt? You were involved in alot of things! Look forward to seeing you. Have a safe trip over.