Yea, I remember you being there John. That's the night you earned the nickname GI John. We were all doing shots in the induction of Shaneism......Drinking shots of Jagermeister....Poor (cough) Shane had to do a shot for every member inducted into his "religion". and you were hanging out in your camo's. From what I remember it was one excellent night. Her parents were pretty cool......
I remember having to do a shot of Jager to become a member of..not quite sure now, and I don't know who else was there....hmmm....some kind of "ism". LOL
The fruition of 20 years of planning is upon me! All my minions will at last be under my control! We will sweep the Earth with our righteous Budweiser\Jagermeister - powered laser cannons! We will...
I remember doing shots of Jager, but I dont remember being inducted into Shaneism, but I remember Shaneism. I dont think I socialized enough with my friends because I think I was too busy being in a "relationship" in high school....I am starting to realize that now.
Last edited by Angie on Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.