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Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:35 am
by dennis
I not one to stay still for a long time as you all know. But this job as a head hunter is killing me It is so hard to hire people in this field of work I am in front of this computer and on the phone for 10 hours a day. I use to run Jobs in the field and since " THE BIG ONE " came last year I have been running around like crazy. I went from 100 mph to 2mph It is not helping with my health either. Anyway thie was a good vent thanks site??

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:54 am
by jnichel
I know what you mean. I went from working as an electrician, constantly on the move, to working as a programmer, sitting behind a screen all day. Outside of putting on about 60lbs over the past 10 years, it can make you stir crazy. Last year I hung a heavy bag in our basement, and I think it's helped save my sanity a bit (not to mention calm normal family life tensions).