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Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:57 am
by Julie Mathies
Happy Halloween to everyone!! Anyone dressing up?? Going trick or treating with your kids, or spending an evening at home watching scary movies???? Any good parties?


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:10 am
by shane
Julie Mathies wrote:Happy Halloween to everyone!! Anyone dressing up?? Going trick or treating with your kids, or spending an evening at home watching scary movies???? Any good parties?
Enough parties for me for a while. I'm helping with one at Barrett's school today, then I'm done. Last year, the dads in my neighborhood took the kids out. This year, the moms have duty. Looking forward to just answering the door and passing out candy.

Have fun and be safe, everyone.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:12 am
by JerryFish
Remember how I said I wasn't going to show Colin John's son's costume to Colin?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:55 am
by jnichel
It wouldn't be right if Dark Vader wasn't represented on all continents. 8)

Denise is taking Connor out tonight, and I'll be staying home with Devlin. It's all part of her evil plot to get more candy. She knows that if I take Connor, we'd only hit one or two blocks, but she'll keep going (pulling him in the wagon) until he's ready to pass out. And with me at home, she knows I'll turn the lights out, and quit handing out candy after like the second kid, so they'll be a whole bowl of candy left at home as well. :twisted: :lol:


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:01 pm
by JonellBadon
We are going on a hay ride in Madisonville where we will inevitably get bogged down in traffic and eventually take the kids on foot like we do every year! I keep thinking mine are getting too old for trick-or-treating (12 & 14), but they still want to go and look at me like I am absolutely crazy when I ask...

Just a suggestion, but all of us local CHS 86'ers need to meet once a year and just go out for dinner and maybe out after, just a suggestion to kind of keep up with each other, what do ya think?


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:02 pm
by JerryFish
Sounds like a good plan to me John, any Milk Duds in the bowl?

I agree to Jonell also, but don't think I could make it.

Reply to Jerry

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:08 pm
by JonellBadon
Oh come on Jerry, England is not that far away! (lol) You need to make a trip to the Gap at least once a year, right? Oh and by the way, American Eagle is the new Gap (per my children anyway). They tell me that the public school children say GAP means Gay And Proud, can you believe that, I am so glad mine are in uniform so that I don't have to bother with the trend problem...


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:22 pm
by phil
sigh.. OK, hold on, let me go get a plane ticket. I'll see y'all in a little bit. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:41 pm
by Tiffany
phil wrote:sigh.. OK, hold on, let me go get a plane ticket. I'll see y'all in a little bit. :)

:lol: @ Phil

Jonell, great idea!

Re: Halloween

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:00 pm
by Brenda Robinson Jenkins
JonellBadon wrote:Just a suggestion, but all of us local CHS 86'ers need to meet once a year and just go out for dinner and maybe out after, just a suggestion to kind of keep up with each other, what do ya think?

I think it is a great idea. Or we could always have a party at my house! or both. Boil some crayfish, barbeque, etc. Oh - and of course lots of alcohol. :wink: anybody with a hangover should have recovered by then!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:02 pm
by jnichel
Don't say 'crawfish' unless you're going to send me some!!!!!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:09 pm
by Brenda Robinson Jenkins
jnichel wrote:Don't say 'crawfish' unless you're going to send me some!!!!!! :lol:
I don't know how good "Fed-exed" crayfish will taste! So John - you are just going to have to come down here and visit with Denise and the kids. James boils some damn good crayfish. The boys can have a good time rolling around in the mud, sandbox etc. Crayfish season goes from January to end of May so there ought to be a time in there where a snowstorm won't keep you from coming!

Elvis Presley

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:13 pm
by Julie Mathies
Ladies & Gentlemen....Elvis has left the building! :oops:

Re: Elvis Presley

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:17 pm
by jnichel
Julie Mathies wrote:Ladies & Gentlemen....Elvis has left the building! :oops:
Now that's funny. :lol: :lol:

I dressed up as an old, burnt out, biker. Course, no-one noticed the difference. 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:18 pm
by JerryFish
Have fun Julie.....