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Thank you

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:37 pm
by Brenda Robinson Jenkins
I just wanted to thank the reunion committe again for a job well done. I had a great time at the reunion and the picnic. It was so wonderful to see everyone, a lot of whom I have not seen in many years, and meet their spouses and kids. My kids enjoyed playing with everone's kids. It was so nice to see my kids playing with the kids of people I went to school with. And we couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather!

I loved the scrolling pictures on the projector screen Saturuday night. I just had a blast and wanted you all to know that. I heard several other classmates make the same comments. Saturday in particular was a very special night.

I know you guys and gals gave up a lot of your time in general and sacrificed time with your family to make this event successul. I think it turned out "awesome" to quote my 10 year old. John - I can't forget you. Can't thank you enought for setting up this site. I have spent many enjoyable hours on it. Truly. It also really helped out at the reunion with knowing the names of our classmates spouses and even recognizing them. Hell I even felt like some of them went to school with us too.

To everyone snapping pictures throughout the weekend, please try to post them to the snapfish account Shane set up. I will do the same once I figure it out and if I can't, I just will email my computer guru Jerry and I know he will help me out!

Again - thank you so much! I had a great time! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:40 pm
by ccoopermetz
I second that!!

Big Thank You!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:57 pm
by Shondiharpmulkey
To Shane, Julie and everyone else who worked themselves to death planning this thing-THANK YOU!!! This was such a wonderful experience. I truly enjoyed myself last night and today (what part we made of the picnic). I have spent the day thinking about everyone I saw last night and how wonderful it was to see so many people I haven't seen in a long, long time. Even this morning when I was paying the price for my indulgences last night, I was still thinking how much fun the reunion was. I just forget the part where my body cannot handle liquor like it could 20 years ago. :roll:
Scott made the comment to me that both of our reunions were so much more fun that his and that our class seemed to really be connected and such a fun class. I think that was a great description and wonderful tribute to Shane and all the planners for pulling all of us together so well.

To everyone that I saw last night-what a great blessing that so many of you are happily married with wonderful children. I loved talking to everyone finding out where they live, what they do and hearing about their families. I hope to see many of you again before the next 10 years.

I hope everyone will take advantage of this website and try and post occasionally so we can keep in touch. And speaking of this website, thank you so much to John for setting it up and maintaining it. I am so sorry you could not be at the reunion but we knew you were there in spirit.

Once again, thanks for all of you guys hard work.


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:00 am
by Tonya
I'm, glad everyone had so much fun. I know I sure did. It was great seeing "old" friends and getting to know and spend time with some of our classmates that I didn't know as well in high school. I'm so glad that some of our classmates that didn't make it to the party Sat. night were able to get to the picnic yesterday.

Thank you Brenda (and James) for opening up your house after the party Sat. night. You saved me from going home and falling into a spinning bed. It was a great conclusion to a wonderful night.

Leslie, Thanks for working out the details for the football game Friday night. It was a lot of fun sitting in the stands visiting with everyone. I almost felt like I was back in high school.

John, I'm sorry you had to miss it. Hopefully, we'll get to see you next time. I wanted you to know that I had a drink for you. I think most people there consumed a drink for you. (:

Shane, Thank you for all of your hard work in heading all of this up. I know this took a great deal of your time, but I am truly thankful.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:44 am
by Tonia Delhommer Taylor
I want to personally thank everyone who had a hand in organizing the reunion.

True friendships were shared in 1986 and those friendships stood out and shined this past weekend also.

I can't believe I won the "Big Hair Award" when I know there were a few that had me beat...but I must say my 14 year old thought it was hillarious.

I truly cherish everyone's friendships and hope we can get together sooner than 10 years.

I wish all of you the best and be safe.


Tonia Delhommer Taylor :D

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:03 am
by phil
Tonia Delhommer Taylor wrote: I can't believe I won the "Big Hair Award" when I know there were a few that had me beat...
and for the record. Mine was NOT a mullet. :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:39 am
by Brenda Robinson Jenkins
phil wrote:
Tonia Delhommer Taylor wrote: I can't believe I won the "Big Hair Award" when I know there were a few that had me beat...
and for the record. Mine was NOT a mullet. :lol:
Phil - so that's your story and you sticking to it?! :lol:

Tonia - don't know if I had you beat or not but I sure am glad I didn't win the award! 8)

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:44 am
by Brenda Robinson Jenkins
I forgot to thank all of the spouses of the reunion committee too! I know how much I rely on James with the kids and I know the spouses had to take on extra duty to allow the reunion committee to spend all the time putting on this wonderful event! So thank you too!

Thanks to all involved. I really appreciate all of the efforts of the reunion committe, their spouses and everyone else who had a hand in making this such a great night.

John, sorry you couldn't make it but we as someone mentioned, you were there with us in spirit. And this site contributed to the success of the event! 8)

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:14 pm
by Tonia Delhommer Taylor
You know the award was really great and I really had a great time. It was even more funny when Sam stood there and said I was making up the difference between the two of us since he didn't have any hair.

I wouldn't change it for anything. You know us "Big hair and No hair" people have to stick together.



Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:18 pm
by jnichel
One more for the 'no-hair club'. Those fun creatures called lice are going around Connor's school, and Friday we noticed that they had found their way to Connor. Gave him the choice of using the special shampoo, or going bald. Now he wants his hair like this all the time. :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:47 pm
by Tonia Delhommer Taylor
John, tell him I said he is handsome. Lice is becoming more and more apparent in schools. I hate it. What a mess to try and clear up. I have girls so you can't shave their heads.

Tell him if they would have a "no hair award" I would have voted for him.

We missed you Saturday, hopefully next time things will work out. Again, you have done a wonderful job and it is great that we had this tool to chat back and forth with each other.

Keep in touch.


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:00 am
by Tiffany
I had such a wonderful time too. It was so worth the 22 hours spent driving there and back (even with a 5 1/2 year old who wouldn't sleep or shut up the whole way there and back!). :lol: Thanks to everyone who put it together, it was awesome! Shondi, I so wanted to see your kids at the picnic but I was worried about leaving too late and getting home after midnight Sun. night. As it turned out, we stayed in Auburn overnight and I didn't make it back to work until today. I should never have tried to drive 11 hours after only about 3 hours of sleep the night before. It didn't work!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:10 pm
by Brenda Robinson Jenkins
Enjoyed seeing you Tiffany. Sorry we didn't get much time to visit. The night just flew by!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:21 pm
by Jennifer Boesch Stanley
Thank You reunion committee. Saturday night was great. It was so much fun seeing everyone. Living in Texas, I don't get to have the mini reunions at Walmart. I am looking forward to the next one. Did I hear 25?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:23 pm
by Tiffany
Hey, if anyone wants to get together over the Christmas weekend, I'll be back then. :)