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Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:26 pm
by JerryFish
One step at a time......He stayed up with me till 3 am watching the National Championship game......

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:32 pm
by melindam
Wow! Who are they going to be playing that weekend? Hopefully you will get a good game. It was disappointing that they lost the two important games and most likely won't get a good bowl game. Oh well. Can't ask for everything I guess. At least the Saints are doing well.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:45 pm
by JerryFish
Fresno State for Homecoming. Shouldn't even be close, so if he gets tired by halftime (starts at 8pm) I can take him home. Auburn was a bitter pill to swallow, then losing to Fla. after Auburn lost :cry: :cry: :cry: ......

Very excited about the Saints though.....Wow....Shane and I were IM'ing the whole game.....

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:32 pm
by melindam
We were at the Tampa game and let me tell you, the place was unbelievable. It was so loud that I had to scream at my husband for him to hear me sitting right next to me. We tried to get tickets to the next game but the very seats we had the last game someone was trying to sell for $500.00. They only paid maybe $30-$35 for them. CRAZY!!!!!!!! We will definetly get season tickets next year. Maybe we can use them for a tax write off! :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:38 pm
by madonnatoneygiacona
Their (SAINTS) 1st game back in the dome - it was NOISEEEEEE (lol) The Tampa game was nothing compared to the Eagles this past game. We went to see the players after the game AND Sean Peyton came out and personally thanked each person, shook hands with us and stated that it (5-1) could not be done it without the fans.

Gosh - I am so glad that your on the site! Can't wait to see you and everyone else!

Madonna Toney Giacona

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:50 pm
by JerryFish
I remember going to a Monday night game a few years back against the Rams, I believe. I screamed so hard that I lost my voice for two weeks. We lost, :cry: which made it even more miserable.

I love it when the dome gets crazy though. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:08 pm
by madonnatoneygiacona
Jerry - It is AWESOME that the fans are supporting the Saints. SO many people lost everything BUT they didn't loose their faith (in GOD) or in the Saints. Our phone rings constantly - with people calling to see if we have an extra ticket. HeeHeeee (lol)

Madonna Toney Giacona

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:14 pm
by shane
madonnatoneygiacona wrote:Jerry - It is AWESOME that the fans are supporting the Saints. SO many people lost everything BUT they didn't loose their faith (in GOD) or in the Saints. Our phone rings constantly - with people calling to see if we have an extra ticket. HeeHeeee (lol)

Madonna Toney Giacona
I heard a doctor on WWL this morning say that the noise in the Dome these days is dangerous for your hearing. :shock: At around 110 decibels, 30 minutes of that can cause damage. She recommends bringing ear plugs for protection.


My hearing's damaged enough from too many years of concerts and playing my stereo too loud, not to mention Saturday nights in Tiger Stadium. I'd be willing to lose a little more to see the Saints this season. 8)

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:25 pm
by jnichel
shane wrote:
madonnatoneygiacona wrote:Jerry - It is AWESOME that the fans are supporting the Saints. SO many people lost everything BUT they didn't loose their faith (in GOD) or in the Saints. Our phone rings constantly - with people calling to see if we have an extra ticket. HeeHeeee (lol)

Madonna Toney Giacona
I heard a doctor on WWL this morning say that the noise in the Dome these days is dangerous for your hearing. :shock: At around 110 decibels, 30 minutes of that can cause damage. She recommends bringing ear plugs for protection.


My hearing's damaged enough from too many years of concerts and playing my stereo too loud, not to mention Saturday nights in Tiger Stadium. I'd be willing to lose a little more to see the Saints this season. 8)
Denise has been pestering me to go in and see the doctor about my hearing for years now. Concerts, stereos and standing 6 hour watches on big diesel engines did in my hearing. I don't want it fixed however....being that Denise knows I don't hear so well, it comes in handy. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:26 pm
by JerryFish
Oh by the way Madonna....Do you have any extra tickets?????


Just kidding, I wouldn't have time any way. And the LSU game is about all my poor wife will put up with right about now. :(

She's being quite a trooper as is.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:11 pm
by Tonia Delhommer Taylor
Jerry you have a beautiful family. Your son is adorable and looks like he can be a character. Can't wait to see you.



Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:20 am
by JerryFish
Thanks Tonia. He's a character all right, I love him to bits. He's excited about coming home, too. My mom spoils him just so, and he eats it up.